Saturday, February 2, 2008

Surprise.... We have more snow!!

I can not believe just how much snow we have received this year. Even my friends that love snow are tired of it. So what does that say for those of us who didn't ever love it? Yes, we cry every time it snows. This week it has be every other day and sometimes we skip the every other part and get some every day.

If you want to see cute people look at my links.


Nan said...

Now I will trying this again because I goofed up. I stayed home from work and I am bored so I blogged through your family's blogs. Sis you have beautiful and smart children and grandchildren. I hope that when you are discouraged that you come back to your blogs and remember all that you have done right in your life.

Nan said...

Now I will trying this again because I goofed up. I stayed home from work and I am bored so I blogged through your family's blogs. Sis you have beautiful and smart children and grandchildren. I hope that when you are discouraged that you come back to your blogs and remember all that you have done right in your life.