Sunday, November 2, 2008

This was at the entrance of the gated community we were in. One evening when Steven, Chelsea and I were returning from town the gates were locked and no one in the gate shack. Steven got out to figure out how to manually open the gate and so I was looking at the scenery and really liked this spot. We didn't have the camera so on our why home we stopped to take these. The wind was blowing and the sun was really bright so we look funny. But Jared and Jenn and Chelsea are so cute!!!

1 comment:

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Hi Aunt Claudia! I am so glad that you posted these pictures! It looks like you all had so much fun! I wish that I could have been there. You all look so good... I miss seeing everyone. Keep in touch! PS I have a blog now too!