Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Year

We have so much snow in our yard that it is crazy.

I am sure that any of you that has been to this site more than once is sick of the same stuff never changing. Well today is the day!!!

I guess I haven't noticed stuff happening that was new worthy but that really isn't the case.

The best news is that my kitchen, dining room and sitting room floor are finally finished and they look fabulous. (If Jared took a real picture I will include it). What a difference after so many years of living on ugly flooring.

I have a guy coming in a little while to look at my kitchen ceiling because he is going to finish that for us. (My children gave that to us as a Christmas gift. Such awesome kids.) I will try to include photos when that gets done too.

Steven is getting ready to leave for Indonesia, Thialand and Malaysia this coming Thursday. (You all know how much I enjoy that.) But to help me get through that we have scheduled a cruise to Mexico that leaves March 8th. Maybe it will be warmer that here.

1 comment:

Jill McQuade said...

I'm so proud of you for updating your blog. It looks nice. That is waay too much snow. I can't wait for the other pictures.